
October 2017 - Dental Consultant | Dental Practice Consultant | Dental Coaching | Dental Speaker

How to POSITIVELY Increase Patient Satisfaction

Logically, the key to improving patient satisfaction is to have the “magic ratio” of positive interactions between your team and patients. Communication should be thoughtful and purposeful. Here are a few ways to hit the magic ratio and positively enhance patient satisfaction and retention:   Pull, don’t push. Your team’s role is to be an advisor...


Keeping your patients happy should be your number one priority as a dental practice. Spend your time giving your patients quality care will make their experience unforgettable! Here are a few helpful tips to keep them happy:    Remember your patients! This makes the experience personable when you remember their names and what is happening in...


Now-a-days, we search for everything online. From new restaurants to visit, to the weather report and even as far as looking for a new dentist. Your digital footprint is more important now than ever! Research has shown that the mother is often the decision maker in the household. She will do her research and look...

Newsletter | Putting Patients First

An attitude of Gratitude Yesterday, Canada celebrated Thanksgiving. Often in the busyness of family gatherings and meal preparation, we forget the purpose of the holiday; reflecting, with thanks, on the blessings in our life. Gratitude. Sometimes this most obvious patient retention tool is often overlooked; showing through our words and actions that we are glad...

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