
May 2019 - Dental Consultant | Dental Practice Consultant | ...

Is your Hygiene Department up to Current Standards?

Consider the following questions to determine if your hygiene department is meeting or exceeding the current standards of care: Do your patients value the hygiene visit or do they view it as “just a cleaning? Does the entire dental team understand how oral health fits into overall wellness? Is the practice performing documented comprehensive oral...

Dental Reception Tips

A dental clinic’s reception area should be warm and welcoming. If it looks too clinical and bland, it might make the patients nervous. This is especially true for dental practices that treat children as well. At TGNA Dental Practice Management Services in Burlington, we recommend the tips mentioned below to improve the appearance of your reception area:...

The Importance of Improving Patient Experience

Patients today have many options when it comes to dental offices. They don’t hesitate to switch dentists if they’re not satisfied with the quality of services provided. That’s why it is important to provide great experiences to patients from the get-go. At TGNA Dental Practice Management Services in Burlington, we can help! Here are some tips to improve...

Newsletter | Does your practice RUN ON TIME?

The greatest dental marketing tool of your practice is to RUN ON TIME.  Patients expect to be seen on time in order to stay loyal, accept treatment plans and refer their friends.  If your practice runs behind consistently, see below what we have discovered from our experience as dental practice consultants, are the main obstacles...

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