
February 2020 - Dental Consultant | Dental Practice Consultant | Dental Coaching | Dental Speaker


Guest column brought to you by: Nadder Jomha, GH Construction Ltd. Calvin Carpenter, MNP LLP Angela Porteous, RBC Bronko Kornhauzer, LPB Investing into your existing space can be a cost-friendly way of increasing your bottom-line/profits, as well as presenting your clinic’s saleability. Part of our project management and construction business is helping our clients determine...


People don’t get promoted for doing their job really well; they get promoted by demonstrating their potential to do more – Tara Jaye Frank When considering internal promotions, often the person most skilled at their current job is selected for the new job. But is this really the best way to decide who would be...


Choosing the right person to be your Treatment Coordinator role is the key to your success. The core characteristics of a successful Treatment Coordinator are confidence in themselves, strong relationship and communication skills, optimistic attitude and a genuine curiosity for people. They have a high level of emotional intelligence and empathy, and are motivated by a challenge...


There is a simple “magic bullet” to success in every dental practice for patient loyalty and retention is based on their patient’s level of satisfaction. A patient’s satisfaction is based on their perceptions of a great dental practice and their service expectations being met with their dental experience. The patient’s perception of a good dental...

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