
November 2018 - Dental Consultant | Dental Practice Consulta...


Running your own dental office means, you invest more than money. You also invest your time and effort into your practice too. If you want your dental practice to succeed, you must learn how to lead, build and learn. Here at TGNA, we offer dental practitioners a chance to nurture their dental practice through our CE...

Newsletter | Five Ways to Positively Impact Practice Revenue

Exceed Patient Expectations Patient retention is achieved by exceeding expectations. It’s not only what you do — it’s also how you do it. It’s all the “little things” that add up to big returns. When a patient’s reasonable expectations are not exceeded by reality, disappointment often results, when reality exceeds expectations, patients are delighted and much...


Attracting new patients to a dental practice is not the only way to be successful. Many dental practitioners believe that having new patients equates to a prosperous dental practice; unfortunately, this isn’t always the case! It is essential to build relationships with your current patients too. This is just as important as finding new patients to increase your revenue. Building...

Newsletter | Empowering Your Team

Empowerment is a multi-dimensional process that involves every member’s unique talents and gifts. Dental practices are aware of the importance of developing team members who have a healthy self-esteem so they will speak and act with personal and professional confidence. Self -confidence comes from an internal healthy view of how we see ourselves, and determines...

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