
March 2018 - Dental Consultant | Dental Practice Consultant | Dental Coaching | Dental Speaker


What worked for dental practices years and years ago might not work today. Dentists, Dental Practitioners and Orthodontists should learn that to grow their dental practices in this generation, keeping up with current strategies is important. They should plan and create key strategies that will guide them to become successful in the field of dentistry....


The latest Canadian Dental Association Patient Survey shows that a patients #1 influence for their perception of how good a dental practice and/or dental provider is how they see and experience the practice/doctor’s CONFIDENCE. Overall patient’s service expectations of their dental experience are: Confidence Clear Communication Time Management Friendliness Empathy Operational Efficiency Generally, people are...


Success is the sum of all efforts repeated day in and day out. If you want to be successful in providing excellent dental care and services to your patients, it’s important to be consistent all the time. Consistency in your dental practice has a significant impact, not just on your dental team, but also on...

Newsletter | What are SMART Goals?

As we reflect back on the commitments that we made as we launched into a fresh new year, we may discover that we have not yet accomplished all that we intended and feel defeated. This is not the best energy source for future goal setting! Rather than be “reactive” by wallowing in a mindset of...