
What is ‘Dental Coaching’?

November 9, 2017by Lisa Philp
Ever heard the saying “every great team, needs a great coach?”. A dental “coach” or consultant can provide insightful information about your dental practice involving business optimization, patient care, human resources and more! Think of a dental consultant as a “fresh pair of eyes” for your practice. A new perspective can help get you thinking outside of the box to reach untapped potential for your practice. At TGNA, we offer a variety of solutions for your dental practice. From dental and practice coaching to CE dental training modules, we will provide insightful information and actions for your practice to see results. Some of our proven results for practice development include:
31% increase in Gross Production
43% Increase in Hygiene Revenue
18% Increase Revenue per Hour
6% Reduction of Cancellations
10% Reduction of No Shows
To find out how to take your practice to the next level with TGNA, contact us now!

Lisa Philp

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