
Newsletter | Top 10 Ways to Ensure Your Practice Thrives

January 27, 2019by Lisa Philp
Newsletter | Top 10 Ways to Ensure Your Practice Thrives

Now is the time of year to ask the following questions about your year over year status. Are you on a decline that won’t seem to stop? Is the practice surviving with a flat-line plateau or did you have at least 10-15% growth over last year?

Decline means DO SOMETHING. Plateau means it is time to identify what the barriers to growth are, and growth means to celebrate the progress and keep up the momentum.

Below are some tried and true tips that can be done to assure that you THRIVE.

1. Regular Team Meetings: Meet at least once a month as a department or team for celebrating the WINS of the past month and the PLAN for the next month.

2. Confirm active patient count: Know how many active patients you have –patients who have been in for a visit in the past two years.

3. Analyze your Break Even for Cash Flow: Know what it costs to run the practice and what needs to be collected to live your lifestyle.

4. Nurture Internal Referrals: Ask the patients who are loyal to you to refer their friends and family.

5. Maximize Technology: USE IT!! -Don’t let it sit there like the exercise bike in my bedroom!

6. Flexible Financial Arrangements: Be open to ways to pay and work with a third party financing company.

7. Comprehensive Oral Exams: Update patients every 3-5 years as a needed dental physical.

8. Diagnostic Philosophy: Is everything getting diagnosed and treatment planned?

9. 80% recall/retention: Schedule dedicated time to approach the patients who have fallen through the cracks and are due for a hygiene appointment.

10. Gain Help and support from an Expert: Score Your Practice with our complimentary Practice Overview Scorecard Scorecard Call us today at 1-800-345-5157 or email us at info@tgnadental.com for your complimentary conversation!

All rights reserved.  No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, or by any means whatsoever, without written permission from Transitions Consulting Group Inc.  If you would like further information about Transitions Group Inc.’s services please telephone 800-345-5157, email:  info@tgnadental.com.


Lisa Philp

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