
Newsletter | Attention All Canadian Dentists. Let Your Voice be Heard!

February 16, 2018by Lisa Philp

Dear Dr.,

Let your voice be heard by completing the Dental Industry of Canada professional survey below. The results are totally confidential and I am supporting as a member of the board encouraging Canadian dentists to express their views. Survey is supported by the Canadian Dental Association and didn’t want you to miss out.

Lisa Philp

The Future of Dentistry Survey (FODS) has long been one of the more important sources of information for the DIAC member community and has recently been updated with questions that reflect the evolving dynamics of the Canadian dental profession.

This is the second year that the survey was published in an all-digital format and the decision to move away from a printed version to the digital version was to reduce costs and align with the changing demographic of the respondents.

To provide the highest quality of data and increase the response rate, we are asking the membership to support this initiative by providing marketing efforts through your respective print and digital circulations between now and the end of March. It should be noted that the Future of Dentistry Survey is fully supported by the Canadian Dental Association.

Attached to this email you will find marketing collateral to support this initiative and our suggestions on how you can assist the DIAC in creating greater awareness of the survey. The objective is to steer dentists to www.survyeymonkey.com/r/DIAC2018 and complete the survey to automatically be entered into a draw to win $7,500 in cash prizes, an increase of 33% over prior years.

1. FODS 2018 Survey Postcard: This file is provided in PDF print ready & jpeg versions.
In Design files and low res. PDF are available upon request to Marcelle at info@diac.ca
We are asking that it is deployed as often as possible between now and May 31, 2018.

· Via Print through your current publications (i.e. included with or incorporated in flyers and polybags and / or included with your customer statements.
· Via E-blast to your customer base with the jpeg image inserted into the body and using the subject line “The Future of Dentistry Survey – $7,500 in Cash Prizes Available”.
· Printed copies to be made available at your booth during upcoming tradeshows.
· Direct Email from market leaders to individual dentists to solicit completion.

2. FODS 2018 Survey Call-to-Action: With the express permission of our manufacturer and service organization members, dealers can incorporate this in flyer adverts. This can also be placed into manufacturer trade magazine and other adverts.

Your Response Is Requested
Please respond at your earliest convenience to Marcelle at info@diac.ca with confirmation of your ability to support and the type of communications you intend to deliver to your customers.

Karl Schmidt,                                                                                                             Dianne Grassie,
Director of Market Research                                                                                     President

Lisa Philp

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