
Importance of Telephone Techniques in Dental Practice

August 2, 2018by Lisa Philp

A telephone is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a dental office. It acts as your bridge to the outside world. How you handle telephone calls significantly influences the success of your dental practice.

According to the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, answering the telephone is an essential part of a dental practice. It is the first line of communication in a dental office. The tone of voice, articulation and non-verbal factors in telephone communication directly affects the image of your dental practice to your patients.

Here at TGNA, we offer dental practice management solutions that can help your dental practice to receive phone calls that can provide you a consistent flow of revenue. We offer workshops that tackle the fundamentals of dental reception, which can help improve your practice.

– Here are some of the main objectives of our training session:
– Implement greeting and welcoming patients using the five-star service philosophies.
– Learn customer service skills, which separate your practice from the competition.
– Improve your patient flow inside the practice
– Overcome cancellation calls and rescheduling of patients
– Manage account receivables and maximize collection at the time of service.
– How to script collection calls or electronic messaging
– Scripting for recall calls with action
– Keeping a current active patient count current with a plan and strategy to purge the current data in the charts & computer
– Create a reactivation program for patients who have fallen through the cracks

Remember that you have an opportunity to make great impressions. Telephone techniques are essential in the field of dentistry along with other coaching and training programs that we offer in TGNA. To learn more about our services, contact us today!

-The TGNA Practice Management Team

Lisa Philp

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