
How To Be Successful In An OHS Inspection

August 14, 2020by Lisa Philp

After months of operational uncertainty and preparing for the new normal of dentistry, we are proud to share that many of our clients have had successful Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections! We are so proud of their diligence and commitment to rebuilding their practice facing numerous new obstacles and expectations.

The new standards of dentistry are challenging the dental industry like never before. There are countless new protocols and documentation that are required for practice owners to rebuild and be successful in 2020 and beyond. The new provincial specific guidelines can be overwhelming and some practice owners might not know where to even begin. During this time, dental coaching has been essential and has helped practice owners accelerate their successful return to work. Transition Group members have had the competitive advantage of working with our expert dental coaches. With Transitions, they have the proper support and guidance to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dental practice coaching has proven to be an extremely valuable asset throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and especially during the time of OHS inspections. As you may already know, OHS inspections are conducted randomly from province to province and any dental practice can be subject to a visit from an inspector. A proactive leader will do what is necessary to avoid putting their practice in jeopardy. Our Transitions Group coaches can help advance your practice to succeed across all categories of health, safety and more.

Transitions Group coaches assist your practice with regular one-on-one meetings so that whatever comes your way, you’re set up for success. Throughout shutdown, our coaches have been guiding our clients through our COVID-19 Survival Guide (CSG) and providing them with all the critical resources for the new normal of dentistry. Our clients have received expert advice on what to do during the phases – shutdown, isolation, cabin fever, preparing for the new normal and rebuilding their practice.

An OHS inspection can be intimidating if you don’t know what to expect. It can also be detrimental to your practice. With so many new requirements for dental practices such as additional personal protective equipment (PPE) and the donning and doffing process, now’s not the time to be caught off guard with an OHS inspection. Our CSG provides you with countless resources to be prepared. From training with PPE, to training your team on the new standards. In addition, our team of dental experts and coaches have prepared a list to follow if your practice is chosen for an OHS inspection.

  • Book your inspection after patient hours so there aren’t any unexpected surprises
  • All team members should complete the Contactless COVID-19 Cycle of Care
  • Review your practice’s COVID-19 protocols with your Transitions coach
  • Review your practice’s needlestick protocols with your Transitions coach
  • Have your team complete and sign all forms provided by your Transitions coach
  • Ask the inspector to call upon arriving in the parking lot (as you would a patient)
  • Follow all COVID-19 protocols exactly from start to finish

As of right now, we can confirm that both Alberta and British Columbia are conducting OHS inspections and it’s likely that other provinces will start soon as well. We want to help set you and your practice up for success! At Transitions Group, we help dental practices exceed expectations and overcome the current challenges that the dental industry is facing. Are you prepared and ready for an inspection? Our dental coaching and dental training programs have proven results within practices and across Canada.

Contact us today to learn more about how our services can help you succeed in the new normal of dentistry.

Lisa Philp

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