Patient Satisfaction – Confidence is Key

February 3, 2020by Lisa Philp

There is a simple “magic bullet” to success in every dental practice for patient loyalty and retention is based on their patient’s level of satisfaction. A patient’s satisfaction is based on their perceptions of a great dental practice and their service expectations being met with their dental experience.

The patient’s perception of a good dental practice and dental provider is founded on how they see and experience your CONFIDENCE. The patient service expectations ranks CONFIDENCE as the number 1 quality they expect in their dental experience with clear communication, time management, friendliness, listening and operational efficiency

Confidence describes a behavior of how someone acts based on their perception and ability to perform roles, functions and tasks. Confidence is not a static measure and can increase and decrease based on the situation, events, fear, change or mistakes. Confidence is a reflection of a person’s own self esteem what they think and feel about themselves and how they accept themselves physically, intellectually, mentally and the sense of worth / value.

Confidence is one of the main characteristics of charisma; demonstrated and evident in a person’s appearance, words they use when speaking, writing style and listening skills.

All of us can have periods of high or low confidence. We are often most confident when we are performing what we are CAPABLE of what is predictable, familiar, normal and routine in our role and tasks. We can be positive, productive, and fearless and accomplish great things when we are highly confident.

How to keep Confidence HIGH!!

  • Optimism – Be Positive
  • Know your strengths and embrace them
  • Remove the negativity
  • Don’t dwell on past
  • Don’t sweat the SMALL STUFF
  • Accept compliments
  • Face FEARS
  • Break down large tasks
  • Research and learn new skills
  • Evaluate results and goals
  • Recognize your own achievements
  • Plan and prepare for the unknown
  • Practice, Practice
  • Manage stress
  • Breathe deeply
  • Begin each day with doing what you don’t like FIRST.
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Being assertive
  • Avoid Arrogance
  • Read something positive before sleep.
  • Learn from criticism


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Lisa Philp