The Patient Satisfaction Magic Ratio, Part 2
Patient communication is more likely to succeed when there are more positive interactions than negative interactions. Luckily, we as humans have a unique ability to turn negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones.
Here are a few more ways to hit the magic ratio and positively enhance patient satisfaction and retention:
Be concise. Don’t waste your patient’s time. People want to be empowered and informed, not overwhelmed. Give them some information and ask if they’d like more. Use visuals aids instead of words. Remember, the more you talk, the more they will doubt.
Be expressive. Your patient is a person who wants to connect on an emotional level. Use stories, metaphors and colorful words instead of only clinical facts. Engage as many senses as possible. Stories tap into the emotions and can add depth to your message, making it more real to them. But, again, keep your stories pertinent and focused, avoiding idle chatter or rambling.
Give options. People like options. They want to feel they have control – especially when it comes to their mouth and money. Always present your best recommendations but also give patients alternative ways they can reach the same goal. And, when it comes to cost, give patients options that do not stress their family budget including third party financing options.
Respect their decisions. A long-term patient relationship is more than just one decision to move forward with care or your best recommendations. A “no” today may turn into a “yes” tomorrow as their situation changes.
To make all interactions positive, be passionate about care, curious about people, an eloquent communicator and an empathetic listener and always have contagious enthusiasm. And, as you hit the “magic ratio” you will see your production, patient satisfaction and patient retention almost magically increase.
Interested in learning how to increase your close rate, register for our upcoming Role of the Treatment Coordinator workshop or our Case Presentation Skills workshop or our Patient Training Modules
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