A Holiday Thank You!

December 19, 2017by Lisa Philp

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! With that being said, it’s also an important time to recognize your patients for their loyalty and business this past year. A personal card or message from the practice wishing them a happy holiday season is a great way to keep your patients engaged. Sending this note will show your patients that you went the extra step and that you care! This will go a long way and help them stay connected to you emotionally. We also encourage you to take the time to write a handwritten note instead of an email or text message. The Globe and Mail shared a great article on how a personal touch helps one stand out in this digital age. They noted “Handwritten notes especially come across as more thoughtful because you most likely had to carefully consider what to say before writing it down”. Leave them with the best impression for 2017. Take the time to thank your patients and wish them a wonderful holiday season!

-The TGNA Team

Lisa Philp