How Chart Audits Increase Your Dental Practice’s Growth

September 11, 2017by Lisa Philp

In the dental practice, daily preparation to plan for the next day is critical for practice management, efficiency, productivity and team involvement in the patient experience.

The practices who audit their charts each day and come together to communicate the findings have an INCREASE IN GROWTH OF 10% WITH NO CHANGE.

Think of what a great feeling it is at the end of a busy day to say; “we had a great day.” Everyone was prepared, worked together, patients were happy with their service and care, and your systems seemed to hum along.

None of us likes to feel we’re spinning our wheels because we lack clarity on what is expected of us each day and operating in last minute or crisis mode, which causes confusion, stress and contributes to lack of productivity and efficiency.

The above can occur consistently when the dental team takes a few minutes each day to review the next day patients’ charts to prepare for their practice restorative or hygiene visit.

A chart audit is a review of the patient file that systematically reviews their chart for special needs, personal connectors, identification of their past dental care, what procedures are scheduled for that day and any outstanding dental treatment not yet accepted.

Chart audits are performed by the member of the dental team who handles the appointment to find the information relevant to their role and prepare for interaction with the patient scheduled for the next day.

The broad purpose for conducting a chart audit is to:

  1. keep your patient records up to date
  2. share important patient information with other team members
  3. make sure all information collected is confidential and legal
  4. confirm the procedure on the right tooth # and surface
  5. Demonstrate how we care about the patients as people and not just procedures

A chart audit finds all kinds of information that others should be aware, such as:

  • Who is the patient personally and how long have they been in the practice?
  • Age and generation to adapt communication?
  • What procedures need to be done now?
  • Is all planned treatment accepted and completed?
  • Does the time scheduled match the time required for the procedure?
  • How will the patient pay for their services?
  • Does the patient have special needs or concerns?

For more information on the team approach to chart audits, click below on our virtual online training which is designed to teach chart audits and daily strategy meetings.


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Lisa Philp